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Air swimming and the chocolate fairy

May 22, 2002 ~ 5:32 p.m.

I was not feeling too happy with today. The pool was closed, so I could not swim. Swimming has become my personal addiction and I always need my fix come one o�clock. And so it was that I found myself back at the office, clawing at the air in some desperate attempt to simulate a breaststroke or perhaps my rudimentary forward crawl. You could, in fact, say I had a severe case of swimmer�s DTs.

But it�s just as well, for I am always pretty hungry and ready for lunch whenever I am done with my swim. In order to save my always meagre supply of spending cash, I have turned to the habit of taking a lunch from home with me. I�d brought in a can of chicken soup and a can of tuna. Items I�d forgotten: A microwavable tupperware bowl for the soup and a can opener for the tuna. No utensils, no lunch.

I began to think that I would have to survive solely on caffeine to propel me through the day (and to hell with my tortured stomach) and partake in an unintentional fast. But, lo! Good things happen when you�re desperate. When I went to make my fourth cup of coffee on this fine day, I discovered a bowl of granola bars, cookies and a few bars of a crispy-crunchy chocolate bar called Dubble that had been leftovers from a recent examiners meeting. My saving grace! I did not catch a glimpse of the fairy who must have left these for me, but I did not look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth. No sirree! Chocolate and granola is nowhere near as healthy as chicken soup and tuna, but what the heck, my stomach isn�t complaining anymore. Sustenance is sustenance.

And a beer and salt-and-vinegar crisps (that�s chips to my American friends) and the pub await me half-an-hour from now. And won�t those taste sweet.

Now excuse me while I make sudden erratic breaststroke movements in what has become known as �air swimming.� Just can�t � *phwoosh, phwoosh*� type anymore. *Gasp, gasp*

� M.E.M.

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