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Meet the man who put �Roman� in Romano (or why we should learn to loathe Europe)

May 23, 2002 ~ 9:22 p.m.

If it�s not one thing, it�s another.

Europe, historical cradle of Western civilization and culture, is about to implement a continent-wide tax and, as with the euro currency, Britain is expected to be dragged kicking and screaming into full compliance with Brussels� nefarious �United States of Europe� plan soon.

Romano Prodi, head of the European Commission, opined recently in a speech in Strasbourg, France to the EC Parliament in that the EC should have the power to implement a Europe-wide tax to fund the European Union�s $83 billion budget. As if the rising prices that the euro helped launch � the price of goods and services has skyrocketed by as much as 30-80% in some countries � isn�t enough to cover the EU�s warchest.

Not only did Brussels not have the foresight to see just how unstable the launch of the euro would be � indeed, on a continent where inflation and interest rates fluctuate wildly from border to border, could there ever be a good time? � but now it wants to create even more economic unrest by levying a tax on all EU states.

Mr. Prodi may be the former Italian prime minister, but he takes his nation�s heritage a little too seriously. Mr. Prodi, may I point out two relevant facts? One � the Roman Empire collapsed under its own greed and incompetence in managing the entire continent. If Imperial Rome couldn�t manage to keep that dream alive, then certainly neither can you nor your motley brigade of airheads in Brussels.

Two � you are unelected. Come again, you ask? I said, you are unelected. Your European Commission is laying down laws that no-one has heard of until they�re making justifiable doom-and-gloom headlines. We must surrender all political and economic considerations to an unelected body, the model for this Brave New Europe, and who will be held accountable?

I suppose every one of the continent�s 380 million citizens who remain here and sanction this fascism through the mere act of living, that�s who. Time to emigrate.

And worst of all for Britain, prime minister Tony Blair � while continuing to back the War on Terrorism and who deserves credit for reigning in the Labour Party�s left-wing on taxes, business and defense � is at the forefront of the formation of this European superstate. An official Downing Street statement pointed out that while Mr. Prodi had a right to air his views, Britain had every right to oppose them. But will we? Consider that Mr. Blair recently joined with the French and the Spanish in demanding a European president, someone who could act as the figurehead and the voice of an entire nation-continent. Mr. Blair, are you the British Premier or �El Presidente,� as The Daily Mail so sagely nicknamed you? Do you have the people of this country at heart or are you too blinded by the potential riches of the Second Coming of the Empire?

Blair talks a good game about economic prudence and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with America, but one can only imagine the horrors of the Brave New Europe. The holes in the average citizens� pocket will grow even wider as more of our hard-earned money is turned over for the good of The Motherland (The EC�s politically correct take on The Fatherland). A single, all-encompassing defense plan is in the works too, a direct and unmistakable challenge to the US. Most of the countries we helped liberate in World Wars I and II can�t seem to hand over their sovereignty to an unelected, faceless political body fast enough. What the hell did we ever fight these wars for? What a waste of precious blood � all the boys who never saw the prosperity America reaped in the wake of WWII because they died defending a continent that NEVER seems to learn from history.

It�s a great place to visit, but Europe absolutely sickens me.

� M.E.M.

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