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My (greedy) fellow Americans �

February 10, 2002 ~ 4:34 p.m.

I was on the phone last night to my mother in Boston, and she gave me a quick update of the American news. Apparently, the relatives of those killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11 are agitating for more compensation from the government. Funny how personal tragedy turns many ordinary folks into whiny liberals, isn�t it? Only it�s not so amusing.

What my mom told me only confirms a recent entry written by the great Mr. Levski. The victims� greed is beginning to surpass any righteous indignation they originally felt at the slaughtering of their innocent relatives. How callous can you get? What is society coming to? Welcome to the age of greed, folks. It didn�t end with the passing of the 1970s. The Me generation is alive and well�and needs to be shot through the head, individual by individual.

Imagine your husband, wife, son, daughter, cousin�whoever�dying in a senseless, barbarous act of terrorism. You would cry, grieve, and be rendered beyond console. Perfectly understandable, no? Soon after people learned of your tragedy, you would be on the receiving end of a massive outpouring of charity, even by perfect strangers. Especially from your fellow Americans, who are the most generous, giving people on the planet. You would accept the charity gratefully, wishing to thank each and every individual personally. Instead, you may opt for the press conference, aired by the local TV news, to express your gratitude.

So far, so good. But it takes an incredibly devious mind to turn around and say, �I haven�t gotten enough. I need more money. I can�t put my kids through college. I can�t take the vacation to Rio de Janeiro my partner and I were saving up for. I can�t afford the Jacuzzi we were planning to install in the sunroom! Boo-hoo-hoo!�

In face of this greed, I have to wonder if we Americans are idiots. It�s bad enough businesses fleece us on a regular basis, but to discover that our own citizens can be just as unscrupulous. Fuckin�-A! I love my fellow Americans, but they can also be the worst example of greedy asshole you could ever hope to unearth.

The September 11 attacks were an outrage. I love George Bush and Tony Blair, and their joint war of justified, righteous revenge they are engaging with the terrorists. When the pacifists, who would be content to stare at more innocent, bloodied and dying American bodies, talk about peace and fair-mindedness concerning our enemies, I cringe. I am convinced that any opposition to our efforts boils down to vicious anti-Americanism, pure and simple. If I had my way, every single �pacifist� would be locked up with the Taliban prisoners in Guatanamo Bay. And America would be a better country for it.

But I can�t help but think we�d be a much better country if not for the overpowering greed that some of our citizens are capable of displaying. They embarrass the hell out of me. Shame on them!

� M.E.M.

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