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Talkin' about another generation

January 14, 2003 ~ 1:45 p.m.

It has not been a nice year for fans of The Who. First, bassist John Entwistle died in Las Vegas last summer and now Pete Townsend, lead guitarist, was arrested on suspicion of downloading child pornography onto his computer. He allegedly paid with his credit card for access to a site featuring pornographic pictures of children.

Townsend has told police that he was conducting research to better understand paedophilia. If armed with the knowledge of just what was involved, via kiddie porn sites, then he could confidently join the fight against it.

He is on bail at the moment and has not been charged. Townsend is adamant that he is not a paedophile, but admits that his one-man war against paedophilia may have been foolhardy. He recalled an incident six years ago in which he was surfing the �Net with his son and came across child pornography sites, triggering his outrage at it.

I, like most other normal people, have urged a very tough stance against paedophiles. It seems like damnable evidence that Townsend believes himself to have been abused. We are told that this is how the cycle starts.

If it�s true that Townsend has seen these types of sites before, why delve further into these sites? He was already aware of their existence and the smut that exists on them. He is right to refer to paedophilia as �appalling.� That is certainly is. But it doesn�t fully explain why he downloaded indecent pictures of children.

But I won�t cast judgment on Townsend yet. I�ll leave it to the police to determine what the rock�n�roller was thinking when he viewed the porn.

It�s a real shame though � if rockers from the �60s and �70s aren�t dropping like flies (the latest victim: Maurice Gibb of the Bee Gees), they�re getting hauled in for paedophilia.

If this trend continues, I may have reason to agree with R. Emmett Tyrrell�s diatribe against rock�n�roll after all �

� M.E.M.

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