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Savage: Typical conservative talk-radio?

July 09, 2003 ~ 3:57 p.m.

It was really only a matter of time before Michael Savage revealed himself for the horrible idiot he is. That�s why his recent invective to a gay caller on his show shouldn�t come as a surprise.

Apparently, a caller of the alternative lifestyle called in and suggested that Savage see a dentist because his teeth were �real bad.� OK, so Savage took a hit. Any decent talk-show host would have simply said, �Listen, caller, you lied when you told my producer you wanted to talk about people�s behavior on airplanes [the topic Savage was hosting on that particular night], when all you really wanted to do was insult me. Now hold on and listen for the dial-tone,� and cut him off. Of all the talk-show hosts I have listened to over the years, this is the normal reaction almost all of them have displayed when dealing with hecklers.

This wasn�t good enough for Savage, however. The talk-show host blasted him with the following diatribe:

�Oh, you�re one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig! How�s that? � You got nothing to do today? Go eat a sausage and choke on it � OK, do we have another nice caller, who�s busy and didn�t have a nice night in the bathhouses, angry at me today?�

And you thought Rush Limbaugh was bad? Limbaugh simply has a rowdy sense of humor, deliberately punishing liberals by his generous use of it. Limbaugh is a far cry from the likes of Savage.

The reaction from gay groups like the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation was predictable, calling for Savage�s head. But liberal pundits from all over started crowing about how typical Savage�s reaction was of conservative talk-show hosts.

Well, that would certainly be true�if Savage was a conservative. But he is not. What he is, is a reactionary. And like most Far Right reactionaries, he is a bigot.

When MSNBC hired Savage, they found that his core audience was limited. The group that Savage appealed to were grease-monkeys who spend every waking moment thinking of way to rid the world of queers, pansies and fairies.

Remember the tall, muscle-headed moron who made high school a living hell for others, the one who forced their victims into wishing for terribly un-Christian scenarios, such as waking up every morning praying they�d arrive at school only to find out that, distraught over a break-up with his girlfriend, he�d offed himself. Shed any tears for him? Hell, they�d have organized a block party to celebrate the fact that he�d downed a pint of cyanide.

That is the type of guy who made up Savage�s core audience�what George Carlin once wonderfully described as �alpha male jackoffs.� They�re not interested in news or politics. All they want is to bash other men whose jeans may perhaps be a bit too tight for their Neanderthal sensitivities. Oogah-oogah! Me bash faggots tonight!

And there you have it. Considering there were many on the Left who considered Saddam Hussein a victim of American imperialism and prayed for another Somalia-type outcome for our boys, I wouldn�t pat myself on the back over Michael Savage�s downfall were I among their ranks.

Sensible liberals are right to jump all over the Savage incident, and so are mainstream conservatives. Savage was not one of us. He never was. And don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.

� M.E.M.

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