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A collection of quotes

October 12, 2005 ~ 3:53 p.m.

Sometimes, you come across quotes that neatly sum up what you feel on a certain topic. Allow me to demonstrate with a few of my own, good quotes provided by others that reflect how I feel on the emboldened subject matter:

1. Politics:
"Please tell me you're Republicans." - Ronald Reagan to surgeons as he entered the operating room after being wounded in an assassination attempt on March 30, 1981

2. Religion:
"Without centuries of Christian anti-Semitism, Hitler's passionate hatred would never have been so fervently echoed." - Robert Runcie, British ecclesiastic, Archbishop of Canterbury

3. Econonomics/finance:
"The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government." - Barry Goldwater

4. Government agencies:
"If I were to select a jack-booted group of fascists who are perhaps as large a danger to American society as I could pick today, I would pick the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms]." - U.S. Representative John Dingell

5. Work ethic:
"The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one." - Oscar Wilde

6. Human nature:
"There ain't nothing human about the human race." - Alan Parsons, from the album A Valid Path

7. Love:
"The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart." - Josiah G. Holland

8: Death:
"In the democracy of the dead all men at last are equal. There is neither rank nor station nor prerogative in the republic of the grave. - John James Ingalls

But the best quote, by far, is provided by Thomas Friedman, from his book Longitudes and Attitudes (Exploring the World Before and After September 11), a collection of his New York Times columns, in which he tackles knee-jerk anti-Americanism as practiced in Europe. From his February 2, 2003 piece entitled "Ah, Those Principled Europeans":

"But Europe's cynicism and insecurity, masquerading as moral superiority, is insufferable."

I could not have said it better.

� M.E.M.

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