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#3 � Nightdragon meets Michael Palin

December 04, 2002 ~ 9:27 p.m.

I met Michael Palin � yes, he of the Monty Python's Flying Circus comedy troupe and "Around the World in 80 Days" travels � tonight.

He was signing copies of his newest book "Sahara" this evening at the Victoria Station W.H. Smith's bookstore.

The wife and I arrived at Victoria at 5:30 and joined an already massive line. But, only half-an-hour later, there we were, standing in the doorway of the store and casting our first live glimpse of the famous comedian, actor and traveler. (It was interesting to note just how many people stopped to ask, "What's this queue for?")

Michael Palin has clearly made a name for himself with his BBC travel series and the subsequent books he has written about them. After all, John Cleese is just as famous for his independently produced Fawlty Towers series as he is for Monty Python. Michael Palin certainly deserves the same chance to branch out and establish another following himself.

We didn't shake hands when I got up to the table, largely because I hadn't noticed anyone else doing it, and so I was loathe to make the man uncomfortable. However, when I told him that I admired his travels and told him of my own travel writings, he seemed genuinely interested. My wife also chimed in with her disbelief that he actually ate snake on his recent tour across Africa.

"It was actually quite good," Palin informed her.

He enquired about my travels. "Well, I've only really been across Western Europe. I need to branch out."

"Oh? You should see Gibraltar. Lovely there," he advised.

I exchanged a few more pleasantries with the man before he rather sheepishly said, "Well, better get a move on as there are other people."

He then signed my copy of "Sahara": "Good luck & happy, safe travels! -- Michael Palin."

Being a former comedian, it was obvious he had a real connection with people and it was almost touching how much interest he showed in us. And, rest assured, all you Palin fans � the guy still looks great, if admittedly older.

Incidentally, I didn't mention how big a Monty Python fan I am. I figured the man had heard it enough and he was not there to receive praise for a series that ended more than 25 years ago. I do not suggest for one moment that Palin is ashamed of his past with Monty Python. That was his breakthrough, plain and simple. He has a lot to thank that series for. But enough is enough. Palin is a kick-ass traveler and that is what he is these days. And so when I met him, I complemented him on his travel work only. Besides, I feel that hearing an American voice rabbiting on about Monty Python would only conjure up stereotypes that I don't care for.

So anyway, you all, if you'll excuse me, I've got an author-autographed copy of "Sahara" by Michael Palin to delve into ...

� M.E.M.

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