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"Fahrenheit 9/11" proves the success of liberal emotion over hard thought

July 13, 2004 ~ 11:59 a.m.

I hate to be a pessimist, but seriously, it doesn�t bode well for Bush when a conspiracy theory-promoting film about the events surrounding 9/11 grossed $8 million on the first day of its release in the U.S. and has then gone on to remain tops at the Box Office.

Has there been a sea-change of opinion about September 11th and the resulting War on Terror Stateside? I think what this demonstrates, more than ever, is incredible fickleness on the part of Americans as to who and what they�ll believe. Bush was a hero immediately after 9/11, and he handled the Afghanistan War pretty well, most sane citizens would agree.

But now that Iraq has blown up in the President�s face, so much so that when Moore kicks him when he�s down, Americans can�t get enough of his vile propaganda. Either Americans are fickle, or have a disabling inability to think on their own.

It�s distressing that Americans are placing faith in a man whose sole purpose in life is to sell anti-Americanism to the world, raw and dripping blood from the bone, which eagerly laps it up. His books are bestsellers all across Europe and his films have been no less successful.

Moore has mastered the great liberal power of persuasion to gain unquestioning standing among the vast anti-America crowd�emotion. Fahrenheit 9/11 is drenched in emotion. Therefore, if you can move your audience, as Moore does, making them laugh hysterically at times, cry unabashedly at others, there�s no need for them to think. Thinking and having opinions of their own are immediately rendered moot.

Moore could convince the world that the moon is a man-made satellite, put there by the Americans just to aggravate a space race with the Soviets, if he put enough emotion into it. Wouldn�t matter that the moon has been around as long as mankind, people would be glad to conveniently forget it if it meant buying into Moore�s twisted and illogical way of �thinking,� if it gave them something to be angry about, if it gave them the feeling that they�re doing their part to make this a better world by simply seeing a fucking movie.

Most of the reviews of F 9/11 in the British papers have not exactly been glowing, and one review in particular stands out, but the average Simon and Roger in the street have been posting rejoinders in the letters sections of these papers denouncing the reviews and gushing over what a moving experience Moore�s film was. One letter even started, �I may be a leftie pinko, but �� No buts about it, buster: you and most of the rest of the British nation.

It�s no surprise that F 9/11 would be a monster hit in Britain, Europe and the rest of the world. But its success in America is crushing in terms of how numb in the head we have become.

Maybe it�s just me, but grown adults should be able to have rock-solid opinions on how they view the world and what they believe in and should not be so easily persuaded. Those who were inclined toward the anti-American Left would have seen this film anyway, but it certainly wouldn�t have earned $8 million on its first day. The outrageous success of Fahrenheit 9/11 , the very fact that American citizens are pouring money like water into the pockets of the lowlife, rabble-rousing Moore, proves that most Americans are either not fully grown adults or don�t accept their fully grown adulthood. Only the November election will truly determine now just how much liberal rot has been eating away at the American electorate, and I�m beginning to fear the worst-case scenario.

� M.E.M.

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