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�Deservedly forgotten?�

September 30, 2003 ~ 5:12 p.m.

Witnessed above the doorway of an Underground District Line train:

�Unown teroist�

A note written on white paper and taped just above this juvenile scribble replied:

�If you�re going to vandalise, at least learn to spell!�

Couldn�t have said it better myself.

I was re-reading P.J. O�Rourke�s book Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence and a Bad Haircut, and in his essay entitled �The 1987 Stock Market Crash,� he reminisces:

�What went wrong? We were the generation of hope; the generation that was going to change the world � All we had to do was hold a sit-in and governments were toppled from the Beijing of Mao Tse-tung to the Cleveland of Dennis Kucinich.�

There is an asterisk next to the name �Kucinich,� and a post-script at the bottom of the page denotes:

�Child mayor. Elected in 1977 at the age of thirty. Governed about as well as you�d imagine. Now deservedly forgotten.�

The only problem is, he isn�t deservedly forgotten, not anymore. He�s sharing the spotlight with all the other Demon-cratic candidates. He might even be the runner-up to the Jackass nomination. I don�t think, however, that he will win; Howard Dean has got the party tucked under his arm and he�s walking away with it. Good for him.

I don�t like Dean�all he�s doing is preying on fear of Dubya, the economy and a war that the United Nations should�ve had the balls to help us out with from the start. He�s saying everything that everyone wants him to say. Clinton redux, pure and simple: He�ll charm himself into office on a tidal wave of moderate� moderate? �votes and then let the taxing and spending begin!

Having voted for Clinton in 1992, I vowed, just one year later, never to be fooled again. Those pulling for Dean are fools to fall for this shtick again.

Anyway, about Kucinich�not to worry, the man won�t win. It�s just frustrating that some dunderheaded Buckeye State residents saw fit to allow him to slip back into politics via election to Congress. How could it happen?

He bankrupted a major city. And now he�s back and wants to be your President!

� M.E.M.

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