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He might have been the hardest worker among us all ...

November 12, 2003 ~ 5:40 p.m.

There was quite a scene in the office this morning. I looked over at the other side of the room and there were several of my co-workers gathered around �ooo�-ing and �aah�-ing. Several other voices, all of them female, were quite a bit more strident.

A giant house spider was running loose around the Undergraduate office, and then disappeared under a partition into the Biology department. I watched this scene for about three minutes, leaning against the wall, legs crossed, thoroughly enjoying every second of it. Then I decided��enough is enough.�

I marched into the Biology department, asked where the spider was, and a horrified female member of staff pointed it out to me. I knelt down, scooped the spider up in my hands and meant to walk out the door with it, but it escaped. Another lady from the department handed me a plastic drinking water cup, so I tossed the spider in there and covered the opening with the palm of my hand.

�Yeah, I got the spider,� I taunted my colleagues. �Who�s the man?� They just looked at me like the crazy sonufabitch that I am. But it was a proud moment.

I knew this was a species of spider that could not survive outdoors. It had been brought up its whole life in the great indoors�a sexually active male wandering around looking for an elusive female. I am not a spider expert by any means, but I know that much about those large house spiders you often see, especially during the summer and autumn. So I walked through the partition and dropped the spider on the carpet just underneath the stairwell. No-one would notice it there.

That settled, I walked back inside the office and went to work to the admiring looks of my fellow office staffers.

And what did the spider look like, you wonder?

Like that!

� M.E.M.

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