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I'm "generally liberal?"

February 12, 2003 ~ 9:53 a.m.

Well, muchachos y muchachas, after taking the Quizilla test about the political spectrum and coming out conservative, I took the test to discover how "Republican" I am. (I found the quiz on Mr-knowitall's page).

Generally Liberal
How Republican Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

I do agree with Rick; this is a test purely designed to bash Republicans and conservative thinkers. It has its own worth, however. It does speak the truth about me thinking all issues out clearly and comprehensively, and not suffering from societal guilt. It also suggests that I am no racist. Told you all so!

I woke up so tired this morning. The sort of tired where I fell right back into bed after getting dressed. At least I had made sure the washing was complete so that I had plenty of clothes once back from Amsterdam.

About the clothes that I did take to Amsterdam�I don't think my blue chamois shirt and 501 black Levis will ever be the same again, heh.

� M.E.M.

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