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Lefties beg, �Don�t remind us of 9/11 evil!�

September 09, 2004 ~ 1:48 p.m.

It�s become obvious to me lately that the reason liberal-Lefties and most Demoncraps rage on with their accusations that Bush, the Republicans and conservatives are exploiting 9/11 is to create a ruse to mask their own feelings of temerity with regard to good and evil, enlightenment and imperfection.

For liberals, it�s sacrilegious to have the more than 3,000 lives lost on that dark day referred to time and again; and that is very strange when you consider that these pinkos are not exactly religious in thought or nature.

What they really mean is this: �Let�s have closure already! We�re sick of hearing about the 3,000 dead from the WTC attacks. This almost forces us to admit that man is not on the path toward enlightenment and to confront the fact that there just may be such a thing as evil in this world after all. And we can�t handle that. Anything that makes us realize that we are not perfect is something we don�t want to deal with: SO SHUT UP ABOUT 9/11 ALREADY!�

This, in a nutshell, is the liberal mindset on 9/11. They can�t concede the evil of that day, so no wonder they bitch and moan about Afghanistan and Iraq, and a President who dares to be a devout born-again Christian and considers protecting America his main priority.

� M.E.M.

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