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#2 � American or not, the CIA is after you

December 04, 2002 ~ 5:10 p.m.

So American citizens working in cahoots with Al-Qaeda can legally be killed by the CIA under the Bush administration�s rules for conducting the War on Terror.


The authority to strike Al-Qaeda targets anywhere in the world makes no exceptions for Americans themselves. This sends one unmistakable message: The U.S. will not fuck around when it comes to dealing with terrorism.

For instance, on November 3, the CIA launched a missile from a Predator military plane right on a carload of high-ranking Al-Q members in Yemen, including the top Al-Q operative in that country, killing six. One of the six was an American citizen by the name of Kamal Derwish.

Bush has stated that the killing of Derwish was legal. His administration has reflected on the death of the American � who ran an Al-Q cell in Buffalo, New York � as a justified killing given that he had been conspiring with the enemy. His presence in that car was reason to nullify his rights as an American citizen and to kill him along with the Yemeni nationals. The human rights group Human Rights Watch did not condemn the action, believing it to be a legitimate wartime action.

This is not the first time such authority to kill American citizens has been utilized. Past administrations embraced the practice of covert action too, snuffing out Americans fighting with the Sandinistas or elsewhere in Latin America.

I worry that, despite this authority, we will still not take action against American Al-Q agents seriously enough. After all, after John Walker Lindh was rooted up along with other assorted Taliban worms, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Not anywhere near the appropriate punishment in my opinion. To make matters worse, the Supreme Court shortly thereafter declared federal use of the death penalty unconstitutional (one of the more horrendous decisions by the Court). So we can kill them overseas, but not at home? I don�t get it.

The U.S. is not specifically targeting Americans working with terrorists, but simply allows for their killing along with specific targets.

The subhuman dirtbags of Al-Qaeda and other militant Islamic groups are bad enough. But a traitor is the most despicable kind of enemy. I will be able to sleep quite comfortably at night if I know that pigs like Derwish are ever more likely to receive the death at the hands of their own country that they so richly deserve.

� M.E.M.

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