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In the land of zed

September 23, 2003 ~ 4:39 p.m.

�Hello, may I speak to a Professor Azedian?�


�Professor Azedian � Azedian � Ay, zee ��


�Sorry, I meant zed. Ay, zed, eee ��

�No one here by that name. You must have the wrong number. Where are you calling from?�

�From a university. Sorry to bother you.�

�No worries. You�re from the States, aren�t you?�

�Yes, sir. I am.�

�Ah! Now I thought you was Canadian when you first spoke, but once you said �zee,� I thought, now this bloke must be American.�

�Well, you were right.�

�Funny how Americans always say so many things differently to us.�

Drily: �Indeed.�

�Yes � Who started that whole �zee� thing anyway? Ben Franklin, wannit?�

�It was, I think. He also changed some of the spellings of words.�


�You know, he changed eye-ess-eee to eye-zee-eee.�

�You mean eye, zed, eee.� Laughs

�Oops. Well � He also took the �u� out of words like color and favor.�

�One man did all that?�

�He was quite the go-getter.�

�Blimey � I�d say he was. How fascinating. He was one o� them � uh, constitutionalists or somfink, weren�t he?�

�He was involved with the drafting of the Constitution, yes.�

�So this revolutionized spelling was a result of the Revolution, eh?�

�Very good.�

�Gordon Bennett! I never knew all this. Now I can read an American book and think, �Ben Franklin did this.��

�Among other things, sure.�

�Fancy that! Well, don�t let me keep you, I�m sure you got plenty of work.�

�Not a prob, I�ll be taking my lunch break in a minute anyway. Catnap, you know? Catch some zeds.�

�Don�t you mean, catch some zees, mate?�

� M.E.M.

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