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"And now, fresh from your friendly Yankee Stadium restrooms, batting clean-up ..."

January 11, 2003 ~ 12:28 a.m.

All seems to be forgiven between the American people and George Michael. During this off-season, the New York Yankees have signed him to bat clean-up for the team. Michael says he is looking forward to playing behind 9 assholes and in front of 20,000 pricks.

Isn't that great? Heh heh. I know it's shamefully homophobic, for which I apologize to any same-sex oriented readers. But that's not why I love it.

Any slur against the Yanks is fine by me.

But I can't help but think that it'll shed new meaning to the chant "Yankees Suck."

All right, I'm going now. Sorry. Nice weekend, y'all!

� M.E.M.

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