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Was the war really a scam?

June 03, 2003 ~ 5:02 p.m.

All right, time to speak out on �this war was a scam� issue:

Apparently, given the recent news concerning the skewing of reports regarding Maddas� weapons supply to justify the war in Iraq, I am expected by many anti-war types�desperate that their antagonism to the conflict be vindicated�to have egg all over my face. Well, the egg is pretty tasty and thank you for hard-boiling it before you �pacifists� threw it at me.

Did reports of Iraqi WMDs get inflated to justify war with Iraq? We hear so much from the opposition that Bush (and his counterpart Blair) kept changing reasons for their drive to rid Maddas from Iraq�regime change, Saddam being a sponsor of terrorism, etc.�but relied most heavily on the charge that Iraq had massive stockpiles of secret weapons. But this was not �wagging the dog,� this was genuine evidence presented by U.S. and U.K. Intelligence. Those within the U.S. Intelligence Department are making charges against the Bush administration for skewing the reports simply because the State Department is grumbling.

Weapons? the Left keeps asking. What weapons? Where are they? Even Colin Powell, very much a State Department type of guy and clearly no neo-conservative, has defended original intelligence reports on the weapons matter, saying that it is futile to get �trapped in the long-winded debate about what was known and not known.� In other words, don�t get your knickers in a twist because you�re desperate to believe the whole thing was a sham.

Maddas fired Scud rockets�which he claimed he didn�t have�at the Coalition. Critics say that we�ve scoured Iraq for more than a month, but this is a country the size of Germany, and furthermore, it is entirely plausible that Maddas destroyed his weaponry or moved it into Syria (this is not to be taken as approval by me to attack that country). The point is, Saddam and Co. knew what was coming, and they prepared for it.

Apparently, the fact that Coalition troops are uncovering countless mass graves means nothing to the Anti-War Elite. The fact that the torture and the tyranny is over for Iraqis is irrelevant, as well as the fact that the most unstable presence in the Middle East�Maddas� regime and its representative Ba�ath Party�has been removed in the least bloody and shortest war America has fought to date. No, let�s keep on about the weapons instead, shall we? How base can these people get?

Consider if you will, a piece from Nicole Winfield�s AP report on Powell�s defense of the war:

�He said that the war was �perfectly appropriate� because Iraq had continued to violate the will of the international community by thwarting U.N. weapons inspections and failing to fully account for its weapons.

�He said the recent discovery of what U.S. officials say are mobile biological weapons labs was evidence that the intelligence was correct.�

But, if you insist, and this is truly how you get your kicks, then keep complaining about the �fictional� weapons of mass destruction that Iraq had. And keep throwing those delicious eggs at my face. I�ll keep eating them up as I have every faith that you will have to do the same with your words one fine day in the near future.

� M.E.M.

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