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Oh yes, roll out the Bush voter stereotypes

November 04, 2004 ~ 12:48 a.m.

Poor sixweasels is absolutely heartbroken, and I feel for her. The joy of a Bush/Republican victory is soured somewhat by the thought that liberals like her, patriotic and by no means extremist, are hurting badly. To all my liberal readers, I'm sorry. Dry your tears and concentrate on 2008. Organize and revamp the Democratic Party to the hilt and hit us Republicans with your best shot. That's all I can say. But honestly, it is only the extreme, "Bush is the Real Terrorist" far Lefties I wanted to punish with a second Bush term, not moderate liberals.

An example of such far Lefties was provided by montage4life who reported that she'd received the following e-mail from one of her Kerry-voting "friends":

you know, usually i try to not say anything, because, after all, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. but, thanks a lot, you uneducated, gun-toting, bible-thumping, homophobic, racist bastards for re-electing this idiot. don't come crying to me when your ass gets drafted, your jobs are lost, and your rights are taken away.

As a Bush voter, let me tackle these claims: Uneducated? I've got a Bachelor of Science, thank you very much. Gun-toting? I don't own a gun, and neither does my staunchly conservative dad; I believe in the right to own a gun, but I've no problem with safeguards, waiting periods, checklists, mandatory classes for responsible gun ownership, etc. Bible-thumping? I believe in a Higher Power, but I'm not exactly a Christian; I'm neither a creationist nor an evolutionist. Homophobic? Just because Bush is reactionary towards the gay lifestyle means I must be? Yeah, right. This bisexual cares to differ. Racist, pro-draft, jobless, proto-fascist? Honestly! You forgot to mention xenophobic and jingoist. Just trying to be helpful ...

I voted and encouraged a vote for Bush because he's the proven leader in this War on Terror we need. It may be a single issue, but it's by far the biggest. If there was anybody else who could plausbily touch Bush on security issues, I'd have seriously considered it. But there wasn't. Bush remained the most pragmatic choice.

However, when, early this morning, I saw that the electoral score was 249-242 in favor of Bush, I had frightening visions of another 2000 style debacle. Kerry had caught up, and I was prepared to write an entry congratulating the man. I was preparing to remain respectful to the office of the presidency and the better man who won it.

I feel sorry for Kerry and anyone who genuinely believed he was the right man for the job. I extend my sympathies for those good folks who simply didn't agree with the war or Bush's domestic policies. That is their right.

But all the vitriol aimed at Bush and those who voted for him is mind-blowing. They are the ones who rub off as intolerant. Good liberals will complain; we expect them to. But these far Lefties just won't shut up, will they? I think they're in serious need of anger management classes.

� M.E.M.

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