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Sympathy for Saddam�dig it!

May 23, 2005 ~ 8:26 p.m.

�BUSH PROBES SADDAM�S PANTS.� So screamed the front page on Saturday�s (May 21) edition of The Sun, the popular British tabloid that only a day before published a full front-page photo of the fallen Iraqi dictator in his tighty-whities.

The fallout is substantial and Bush was alarmed and ordered the Pentagon to investigate who took the photos of Saddam in prison and how they were leaked.

The Sun defended their decision to release the photos amid concerns that it violates the Geneva Convention.

Violates the Geneva Convention? Do you suppose the mass butcherings in Iraq under Saddam Hussein can be overlooked by the Geneva Convention?

Question: Has Saddam been physically abused here, or even mentally tortured? No. Therefore, it�s no violation of the Geneva Convention. It is only torturous to those loyal Saddam sycophants�otherwise known as the anti-war movement�but also to those Ba�athists and their fellow sympathetic terrorists in Iraq. Saddam�s lawyers are paid to officially care.

This is no Abu Ghraib. This is the modern-day Hitler in his knickers. Why are we complaining about this?

Of course, the British, with their profound self-righteousness and suffering from their post-colonial guilt trip as they needlessly do, think it�s bloody awful, that the tabloid should be ashamed of itself and that the moral superiority of the U.S, as well as the U.K., has now been called into serious question. Check this out. Pay close attention to the entries by people from the UK. It�s very refreshing to know that they�re more concerned about the feelings of a murderous dictator than about any possible positive outcome of this war. Where�s the Support the Troops sentiment in the UK? It doesn�t exist. Being a British soldier has to be the most thankless job in the universe.

I understand President Bush�s concerns�the nasty photos of Saddam could certainly have a negative effect on our efforts to democraticize Iraq. But as for everyone else who are up in arms over this�especially the British themselves�it only confirms that they�d rather embrace Saddam than be seen to appear pro-war or on America�s side. I mean, heaven forbid!

� M.E.M.

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