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New Year, old job

January 01, 2006 ~ 10:28 p.m.

I must admit, I'm glad the holidays are over. Now life can to return to normal, which is how I like it. It was especially irritating to have a few days off over the combined Christmas/New Year holiday week. Why?

Remember this entry? Well, after four years, I've returned to work there. Back where I started, working nights, monitoring commericals. They don't stop taping the commercial breaks during the holidays, so when we're off, the work just simply piles up.

And, having time off means I kept playing Russian roulette with my body clock, going back to staying up all day and sleeping at night. That meant that just after Christmas and today, I woke up around 4 p.m., had/have not been back to sleep, and had/have a night of work ahead of me.

Yep, thank God life is returning to normal.

This time, it's different though. Previously, I'd hated the night job, I was struggling through the nights and I was miserable. But that had a lot to do with the awful and cold building I was working in, the fact that I was still quite homesick and not settled down, the shock I felt all season long from the 9/11 attacks, and the crappy software they used.

The software is much more user-friendly now, we're in a nicer and much warmer building, I've settled down comfortably, and 9/11�or any other horrible terrorist attack, God or Bush willing�is at least no longer so fresh in my mind (though it's far from forgotten or forgiven).

I've not felt tired once on the job and I usually can leave at 7 a.m., settle down at home in a hot bath with a glass of red wine, and then go to bed. I've got the apartment all to myself while my wife is working, so it's quiet. I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn't having fun at the job this time around.

But, as I was unemployed for six weeks back in November, I was so desperate that I turned my resume into the company, asking if they'd have me back. To be welcomed back (officially on December 15) was quite flattering, considering I'd previously only worked there six months.

Happy New Year all. Time for me to go to work ...

� M.E.M.

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