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Too emotional�moi?

June 04, 2003 ~ 5:06 p.m.

I got accused by another D�lander (I won�t �name and shame,� but she�ll know who she is) of being �too emotional� to �see the facts� about the war. And what facts would those happen to be? That we won a clean and quick conflict, removed a Middle Eastern menace from power and freed a long-suffering people? Yes, I see those facts only too clearly. Which explains why I still have no reservations whatsoever about the war. Fuck those damn missing weapons�it is the most irrelevant excuse regarding opposition to this war. Where are they? They were removed and destroyed by Maddas, OK? Simple as that.

This war was in no way, shape or form a disaster and yet some complain about the war being �forced� on us. Well, ask for a refund, why don�t you? Oh, I forget�you are getting a refund�in the form of your hard-earned income that the government pilfered from you. Silly me.

But I cannot get this charge of being �too emotional� outta my head. That is rich: A Leftie�whom I care for and like very much, let it please be noted�calling me too emotional. Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. Especially considering practically every entry from her mentions how awful �the Shrub� is and how it�s such torture living in an America with him in power.

A tangent: Said accuser also advocated Hillary Clinton for President in 2004. That�s all we need�the Red Queen in power. That�s more frightening than Mr. Bush could ever hope to be. More Vince Fosters, Travelgates and S&L scandals, anyone? How about socialized medicine? Hell, it�ll keep the Canadians from crossing our border to receive urgent medical care, wouldn�t it? You could sell that one on an �America First� platform. Even some conservatives like Samuel Francis and Pat Buchanan would throw all their weight behind the measure if you presented it that way. Maybe Hillary could play Billy Joel�s �Captain Jack� on her presidential campaign trail just as she did at one of her New York Senate fetes a few years back. With that song�s many references to sex, drug abuse, work-shy idleness and general societal depravity, it couldn�t possibly be a more fitting theme song for a Democratic nominee, I must admit. At last, a little honesty in advertising!

But I do so digress �

The fact is that emotion�raw, pure, unthinking (and unquestioned) emotion�is the entire raison d��tre behind the liberals� political philosophy. I operate on logic, not emotion, thank you. I admit to having feelings. But emotion? Nah, that doesn�t much come into my outlook. So, no offense, but I think I�ll be rejecting that charge, thank you.

I love what Tony Blair had to say on this issue:

�In the end, there have been many claims made about the Iraq conflict, that hundreds of thousands of people were going to die, that it was going to be my Vietnam, that the Middle East was going to be in flames and this latest one, that weapons of mass destruction were a complete invention by the British government.

�The truth is, some people resent the fact it was right to go to conflict. We won the conflict thanks to the magnificent contribution of the British troops, and Iraq is now free and we should be proud of that.�

Hallelujah, brother!

� M.E.M.

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