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And why I AM anti-French

February 27, 2003 ~ 4:54 p.m.

I bestow upon my wife the Do-Gooder of the Month Award for her charming latest entry. Unfortunately, in her attempt to see the good in nations where it doesn�t exist, she completely misses the point.

She is right about me. I have boycotted French, German and Belgian goods, and the most telling example is how choosy I am with the beer and wine I purchase. I will gladly pay more for a bottle of Italian, Spanish or Hungarian red than for a cheaper bottle of French. I used to love Stella Artois; I now refuse to touch the stuff. And, once May 3-6 have come and gone, I will no longer be stepping foot in France. The wife doesn�t like this; she pleaded and argued with me to change my mind. �You mean to tell me you�re not bothered if you never see Paris again?�

No, I�m not bothered one bit. I�ve already seen the damn place three times. Other places to go and see, like Copenhagen, Prague, Budapest and Madrid. Places where�golly gee!�no-one is going to automatically accuse you of being a war criminal on account of being an American. Places where our significant contribution to establishing stable economies and introducing the concept of freedom and human rights is actually appreciated.

Eastern and Central Europe have displayed a true understanding and willingness to learn from history. I dunno, but that really raises the credibility of a country in my eyes. I admire nations like that especially since there are so precious few of them in existence.

France and Germany are intent on imperiling the stability of world peace by letting Saddam have all the time in the world to attack the West with his weapons, but their outrageous, stupid arrogance and ingratitude to the United States does not entirely explain why I resent those nations so much. Their deep-seated, virulent anti-Semitism goes a long way toward explaining why they do not support America in this fight too. True enough, other European countries have committed injustices against Jews as well during their times, but honestly, if I were a Jew living in France, hopping the border to Spain would feel like a warm Jerusalem homecoming compared to the Gallic heat I�d take day after day after day.

I fired off an e-mail to my wife this afternoon: �I still say you're wrong in these beliefs, it's really naive because you clearly do not grasp the collective French mindset which is inbred in every single French life that's born and raised.� Selective historical memories. Ingratitude. Anti-Semitism. Proto-fascism in the likes of Chirac telling Eastern Europeans to shut up if they have any hopes of joining the European Community.

Oh yeah, I can�t wait to go back to France and pour money into their economy which, don�tcha know it, wouldn�t exist if not for the U.S.A.

So, hon-bun, you can la-de-da your way through Paris anytime in the near future if you so wish. Just don�t forget to say �seig heil� to everyone for me. They may not speak German, but they sure understand that much.

After our trip to Nice in May, I�m done with France.

� M.E.M.

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