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All the goss and more ...

April 01, 2002 ~ 9:14 p.m.

Sorry for the lapse in writing. I�ve needed the break. Or�to be more precise�I�ve been away. It�s been a whirlwind of activity since last Wednesday. My mother and sister arrived on that day and every day since has involved long coach or train journeys to Bath, in the West Country, and Lincoln and Boston, in the �East Country��that is, East Anglia, Lincolnshire. These communities have seen both our arrival and departure and it was all very nice, but it�s been exhausting. The usual thanks goes out to my mom-in-law for accommodating us during the weekend. We aren�t a raucous lot, but we did bring a lot of stuff into her house. I will be writing a journal about all this activity soon, and I promise to post it on this page. Just be patient, it�s in the works. Should be entertaining. It hasn�t always been so in real life, but in writing, it promises to be packed with hilarity. And if all that wasn�t enough, we�re off to Spain on Friday. Talk about needing a holiday from your holiday.

Since getting back to London on Sunday, I�ve been tidying up the flat and taking care of the pets. The rat is still going strong, like the old rodent warrior that he is, and the rabbit needs his teeth clipped. Life in our apartment has returned to normal. Now I�ve got to buckle down, get serious and fill out my tax forms. Blah! They couldn�t make tax time coincide with the deepest part of winter when you�re depressed anyway, could they? No, of course not. It would take all the joy away from spring.

But no matter, the weather has been beautifully sunny and spring-like�we saw temps in the low to mid 60s all across Britain this past weekend, though today looks as if it�ll rain at any moment. One thing�s for sure, there�ll be no drought this year. Hard to believe there could ever be drought in this perpetually moist island, but it does happen from time to time. If you�re not experiencing drought, however, you�re paddling your way up the street from flooding. Any way you slice it, it seems to be getting wetter and warmer all the time. I know! Let�s all blame George W. and his failure to sign the Kyoto Treaty. So what if the Kyoto accords were based on junk science and half-truths? Everyone needs a fall guy and a reason to appear hip.

But then, we all know that leftists don�t go to a craniologist to get their heads examined. They contact their proctologist instead.

Speaking of the loony Left, I read the greatest book review in The Times on the train back to London. I will share that with you all later. I wanted to scream �yes!� so many times whilst reading it, but I managed to contain myself. I�ll have to settle for spicing the article up by injecting personal editorial comment instead. Come to think of it, there was a great piece in The Sun as well. OK granted, The Sun is a tabloid, but still, they�re conservative and pro-America. �Nuff said. The column deserves attention on this page, and so it will be.

While we were sitting in a pub in Boston, Lincolnshire, the news was announced that the Queen Mother had died earlier that day. It was sad news for all. She was an icon, a living testament to another age and a more genteel society. She embodied the best that the Royal Family could offer. The world will miss Her Majesty.

� M.E.M.

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